Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Common Errors in English - 6 (Of Redundants)

Date: 17.10.2007

Today let us see some common redundants in English.

* Redundant No.: 1

Never use "Suppose" and "If" together, since they both mean the same. Let us see some examples:

* Suppose she comes tomorrow, I 'll take her to beach (Right)

* If she comes tomorrow, I 'll take her to beach (Right)

* Suppose if she comes tomorrow, I 'll take her to beach (Wrong)

* Redundant No.: 2

Never use "Otherwise" and "Or" together, since they both convey the same meaning. Let us see some examples:

* If you want to go for shopping tomorrow, then you call me over phone otherwise no need (Right)

* If you want to go for shopping tomorrow, then you call me over phone or no need (Right)

* If you want to go for shopping tomorrow, then you call me over phone or otherwise no need (Wrong)

* Redundant No.: 3

Never use "Return" and "Back" together, because the very word "Return" means "Give Back". Let us see some examples:

* Please return the book to me (Right)

* Please give back the book to me (Right)

* Please return back the book to me (Wrong)

* Redundant No.: 4

Never use "Revert" and "Back" together because the very word "Revert" means "Get back". Let us see some examples:

* Please revert to me at the earliest (Right)

* Please get back to me at the earliest (Right)

* Please revert back to me at the earliest (Wrong)

* Redundant No.: 5

Never use "AM" and morning together and "PM" and evening together. It is again a redundant.

* Today I got up at 8 AM (Right)

* Today morning I got up at 8 O' clock (Right)

* Today morning I got up at 8 AM (Wrong)

The same thing holds good for evening/night and PM

* Redundant No.: 6

Never use "Repeat" and "Again" together, because the very word "Repeat" means "Do again". Let us see some examples:

* Please repeat the sentence (Right)

* Please tell the sentence again (Right)

* Please repeat the sentence again (Wrong)

* Redundant No.: 7

Never use "Descend" and "Down" together and never use "Ascend" and "Up" together. Let us see some examples:

* She was descending down the stairs (Right)

* She was going down the stairs (Right)

* She was descending down the stairs (Wrong)

* She was ascending the stairs (Right)

* She was ascending up the stairs (Wrong)

* Redundant No.: 8

The words "Each" and "Every" are synonymous and therefore they shouldn't be used together. Let us see some examples:

* The Tamil literary work "Thirukkural" discusses each and every facet of human life (Wrong)

* The Tamil literary work "Thirukkural" discusses every facet of human life (Right)

* The Tamil literary work "Thirukkural" discusses each facet of human life (Right)

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