Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Las bromas en Espan~ol (The Jokes in Spanish)

Date: 25th November 2008
La fecha: 25 de Noviembre 2008

Here, I wish to share some wonderful Spanish jokes with you all. I came across these jokes through different sources. I wish that my non-Spanish speaking/knowing friends should also enjoy these jokes. Hence, at the end of every joke, there will be an English translation of the same.

* Joke - 1:

Jo'se: Mama', Mama'! Aprendi a Escribir!

Mama': Que' escribiste?

Jo'se: Co'mo voy a saberlo, au'n no he aprendido a leer?

In English:

Joseph: Mom, Mom! I have learnt to write!

Mother: What did you write?

Joseph: How do I know it, when I have not yet learned to read?

* Joke - 2:

Obelix: After having had treated me for twelve long years, my psychiatrist told me something, which made to cry

Friend: What did your psychiatrist say?

Obelix: "No hablo Ingle's" ("I don't speak English)

* Joke - 3:

La persona - 1: Y cua'nto me va usted a pagar?

La persona - 2: Depende de tu trabaja

La persona - 1: Oh! Tan poquito!

In English:

Person - 1: And how much are you going to pay me?

Person - 2: It depends on your work

Person - 1: Oh! So, less!

* Joke - 4:

El paciente: Doctor! Doctor! No puedo recordar nada

El doctor : Vaya, y desde cuando tiene usted este problema?

El paciente: Que' problema?

In English:

Patient: Doctor! Doctor! I am not able to remember anything

Doctor : Ok! How long have you been having this problem?

Patient: Which problem?

Make every body around you happy and be happier

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sanskrit Loan Words in Spanish

Date: 25th November 2008
La fecha: 25 de Noviembre 2008

In this post, I wish to share my meagre knowledge in Spanish with you all in a different manner. This post is going to reveal the influence of Sanskrit on Spanish language. Because of the proximity of Hindi to Sanskrit, here, I have used Hindi words also and have referred those words as Sanskrit words.

Case - 1:

Spanish: La naranja - the orange (fruit)
Sanskrit: Narangi - orange fruit

Case - 2:

Spanish: puro - full
Sanskrit: pura - full

Case - 3:

Spanish: madura - ripe (For example: la fruta madura - the ripe fruit)
Sanskrit: maduram - sweet, honey like

Case - 4:

Spanish: el diente - the tooth
Sanskrit: dantha - tooth

Case - 5:

Spanish: el nombre - the name
Sanskrit: naam - name

Case - 6:

Spanish: la pierna - the leg
Sanskrit: pai-ir - leg

Case - 7:

Spanish: la camisa - the shirt
Sanskrit: kameez - shirt

Based on my own understanding, I have furnished the aforesaid information. Any views, suggestions, corrections are welcome!

Historia de Silapathikaram - Una Epopeya Famosa del Idioma Tamil

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