Thursday, December 3, 2020

Unique Experience on Karthigai Dheepam - Saw Waves in Mid-Air

 Hi All! I am drafting this post to share my unique, divine experience and seek your advice on it. On the 29th of November, my parents and I set off to Thiruvannamalai to offer prayers to The Holy Kaarthigai lamp that was supposed to be lit at the hill top of The Most Holy Thiruvannamalai at 6:00 PM that day. We successfully did so by The Divine Grace of Lord Annamalayaar.

However, when it was 10 minutes past 12 noon, I was standing at a distance of 200 m from the holy hill and I was offering prayers to The Almighty. Suddenly with my naked eyes, gifted by Lord Annamalayaar, I could see colourless to very light grey colored, dense waves traversing in elliptical fashion in mid air at a very high speed.  I cannot explain the speed by words.  Also, I could neither see the beginning nor the end of the waves.

I asked my Mom whether she could see something like that. She responded with a curt 'No'. I just wanted to test myself and looked at the opposite direction(opposite from The Holy Hill). I could see the waves there too.

Until this very moment, I don't understand what I saw or why I saw that.  Has anyone ever experienced that or heard of something like that? Please share your valuable comments with me! By the supreme grace of Lord Annamalayaar, I wish to understand what I saw that afternoon at the most sacred place on the Earth.

1 comment:

maevesgabrielsen said...

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